Privacy policy

Annmarine make sure we carefully adhere to the legislation governing data protection and data security in all our online activities. In the following, you can find out which information we record during your visit to our homepage and how we use this information:

1. Recording of General Information

Information of a general nature is automatically collected whenever you access our website. This information (server log files) includes, for example, the type of web browser, the operating system used, the domain name of your Internet Service Provider, and similar data. This is solely information that cannot be traced back to you in any way. This information is required from a technical perspective in order to correctly deliver the content from websites that you request and is a mandatory process when using the Internet. Anonymous information of this kind is analysed statistically by us in order to optimize our online presence and the backend technology associated with it.


2. Cookies

Cookies are used to automatically obtain certain information such as your IP address, the browser you use, the operating system on your computer and your connection to the Internet. Cookies cannot be used to start programs or transfer viruses to a computer. Using the information saved in cookies we can make navigation easier and have our websites displayed correctly.

Under no circumstances will we pass the information we save on to any third parties, nor will the information be linked to your personal data without your consent. You can, of course, also view our website without cookies. Internet browsers are often set to accept cookies. You can deactivate the use of cookies at any time though in your browser’s settings. Please use the Help feature in your browser to find out how to adjust these settings. Please note that certain features of our website may not work if you have deactivated the use of cookies.


3. Social Media Link / Share-Buttons


On our website we incorporate hyperlinks to various different social networks such as LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter. These (deactive) “Social Media buttons” are integrated in such a way that no contact is made with the respective social network without you activating the link by clicking on it. Whenever you click on the Social Media buttons and in doing so activate the link, a new window will open where you can register with the social network, in order to then e.g. recommend (like) or share the page selected. If you do not activate the links, none of your personal data will be transferred to social networks at any time.


4. Contact Form

If you send us inquiries via the contact form, your details in the inquiry form, including the contact details you provided there, will be stored in order to process the request, also in case of follow-up questions. We will not share this information without your consent.


5. Comment Function

In addition to your comment, the comment function on this page respectively our blog will also contain information about when the comment was created, your e-mail address and, if you do not post anonymously, the username you selected. Your e-mail address will not be published.


6. Use of Google Analytics

This website uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service of Google Inc. (hereinafter: Google). Google Analytics uses so-called “cookies”, i.e. text files, that are saved on your computer and which enable an analysis of how you use the website. The information obtained through the cookie about the use of this website is usually transferred to a server of Google in the USA and saved there. Due to the activation of the IP anonymization on these websites, your IP address will be shortened beforehand by Google however – if you are located within the member states of the European Union or in other signatory countries of the legislation act for the European economic region. Only in rare cases is the full IP address transferred to a server of Google in the USA and saved there. On behalf of the operator of this website, Google uses this information to analyse your use of the website, to compile reports about website activities, and to provide further services to the website operator relating to website and online usage. The IP address obtained from your browser in relation to Google Analytics will not be brought into association with other data saved by Google.

You can prevent cookies from being saved by adjusting the settings in your browser software accordingly; please note however that in this case you may not be able to make use of the full scope of all features of this website. In addition, you can prevent the recording of information obtained by the cookie and relating to your use of the website (incl. your IP address) to Google, as well as the processing of this data by Google, by downloading and installing the browser plugin available under the following link: Browser add-on for deactivating Google Analytics. In addition or alternatively to the browser add-on, you can prevent tracking by Google Analytics on the pages of our website by clicking on this link. An opt-out cookie is then installed on your device. This means that that Google Analytics will not save any information for this website and this browser in future, for as long as the cookie remains installed in your browser.


7. Questions

If you have any questions about data protection or would like to know which of your personal data we have saved, we will provide you with this information upon written request.

Annmarine, Anne Engel
18069 Sievershagen
Phone +49 (0) 171 830 7174, +358 44 3773399